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Key details
  • Parade:

    On: Saturday, 29 June 2024

    Pride festivities:

    On: Saturday, 29 June 2024

  • Key features:
    • Party in Marcha Del Orgullo Lima
    • Experience a colorful parade
    • Enjoy festive vibes in Lima
  • Plan your stay!

    Lima hotels fill fast for Orgullo Lima – get the best deal and save up to 70% – book your hotel early!

Ignite Your Rainbow Spirit in the Historic Heart of Peru: Celebrate Marcha del Orgullo Lima!

Lima, Peru's vibrant capital, pulsates with energy and infectious enthusiasm during the Marcha del Orgullo Lima! This dynamic festival transforms the city's historic streets into a dazzling tapestry of color, celebrating the LGBTQ+ community with a distinctly Peruvian flair. Embrace the warm summer sun, revel in the freedom to be yourself, and join a movement for equality and progress with captivating events and the undeniable allure of Lima.

Witness the Spectacle of Pride on Bustling Avenues

  • Marcha del Orgullo Lima Parade: Immerse yourself in the electrifying energy of the Marcha del Orgullo Lima Parade. Weave your way down the iconic Paseo de la República, a grand avenue lined with historical landmarks. Witness colorful floats adorned with vibrant Peruvian textiles, flamboyant costumes bursting with life, and infectious energy fill the air as people from all walks of life come together to celebrate equality and progress. Their voices echo through the streets, past the majestic Catedral de Lima, a testament to Lima's growing inclusivity.
  • Pride Festival at Parque Kennedy: Delve into the heart of the celebration at the vibrant Pride Festival held within the sprawling Parque Kennedy. Explore a diverse marketplace featuring local LGBTQ+ artisans showcasing their unique wares. Savor delectable Peruvian cuisine that tantalizes your taste buds, with a focus on fresh, local ingredients and classic dishes like Ceviche (marinated raw fish) and Ají de Gallina (creamy chicken stew) alongside innovative creations inspired by Peru's rich culinary heritage. Connect with inspiring organizations working towards social justice for all. Live music by renowned Peruvian and international artists fills the air, captivating performances ignite stages, and a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere permeates the festival grounds.

Embrace the Spirit Beyond the Parade and Festival

  • Pre-Pride Party: Kick off the Pride festivities with a night to remember at the official Marcha del Orgullo Lima Pre-Pride Party. Mingle with fellow LGBTQ+ community members and allies in a vibrant setting, enjoy live music entertainment by local artists, and support a worthy cause. This energetic gathering sets the tone for the week-long celebration.
  • Pride Film Screenings: Expand your horizons with captivating Pride Film Screenings. Enjoy screenings of thought-provoking films that celebrate LGBTQ+ themes, followed by discussions and opportunities to connect with fellow film enthusiasts.

Join the Movement, Celebrate Unity

Lima Pride is more than just a celebration; it's a powerful statement of unity and a call for continued progress. By participating, you're joining a movement that fights for equality, acceptance, and a world where everyone can live freely and authentically. Let your voice be heard, stand in solidarity with the community, and contribute to creating a more inclusive and just society.

Explore Lima's Welcoming Gay Scene

  • Miraflores: While Lima doesn't have a designated gayborhood, the LGBTQ+ scene thrives throughout the city, particularly concentrated in the trendy Miraflores district. Here, you'll find a welcoming atmosphere, cozy cafes with outdoor seating overlooking the Pacific Ocean, lively bars hosting themed nights and drag queen shows, and a strong sense of community spirit. Be sure to check out "Vale Bar Miraflores," a renowned LGBTQ+ bar known for its inclusive dance floor and drag queen performances, or grab a glass of the national drink, Pisco Sour, and people-watch at a friendly cafe on Parque Kennedy.
  • Basílica Menor y Convento de San Francisco de Lima: Immerse yourself in the rich history of Lima with a visit to the magnificent Basílica Menor y Convento de San Francisco de Lima, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Explore the sprawling complex, marvel at the ornate architecture and colonial-era art, and learn about the city's fascinating past.
  • Museo Nacional del Arqueología, Antropología e Historia del Perú: Delve into the heart of Peru's rich cultural heritage with a visit to the Museo Nacional del Arqueología, Antropología e Historia del Perú. Explore vast collections of artifacts showcasing the civilizations that have thrived in Peru for millennia, gain a deeper appreciation for the country's indigenous cultures, and witness the evolution of Peruvian society.
  • Experience Lima's Alluring Nightlife: As the city lights shimmer along the Pacific Coast, a kaleidoscope of restaurants, pubs, and clubs catering to all tastes comes alive. Mingle with friendly locals and fellow revelers, enjoy a refreshing glass of a local Peruvian craft beer or a classic "Chicha Morada" (purple corn drink), and experience the electrifying energy of Lima after dark. Many LGBTQ+ friendly establishments come alive at night, offering dance floors, themed nights, and a welcoming atmosphere to continue the Pride celebration.

Plan Your Orgullo Lima Adventure

Lima is ready to embrace you with open arms during Pride. Book your accommodations and secure your spot in this unforgettable celebration of love, pride, and diversity.

Recommended hotels

Book with confidence and get the best prices from our partner – we have chosen hotels that keep you close to all the shops, restaurants and bars

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